Friday, December 18, 2009

Stumbling Blocks of Life

The only thing between me sitting by the fire in my home and me sitting in this G-POD is cleaning checks tomorrow.
Blah! Arg! Boff! Gah! Boo!
...and any other obscenities you can think of. (Yes, those are obscenities)

It's actually not that bad. I always sign up to clean our bathroom, of which the size is always a hindrance, except when it comes to cleaning it.

And although we don't have to clean our rooms to pass our cleaning check, it would probably be good if the cleaning check guy could get to our bathroom.

One must cross our bedroom in order to access the bathroom. It's like having a master suite, which is absolutely fantastic in every way, except that the cleaning check guy has to walk through our room to check our bathroom. Therefore there must be at least a pathway...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Today I paid my rent. Late. At least it was only one day though, right? As I was filling it out, I glanced at the little line in the bottom left corner of the check. The word for is written below. I continued to write "Satan" on the blank line.

But don't worry, Alexis and I decided it would be best to scribble it out before I begrudgingly handed over my money.

They will never know.