Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The People Have Spoken

So tonight (Wednesday 8 April 2009) was environmental science club elections. Now here's the thing - I love environmental science club (eSci) but it is a lot of work to keep it going and to plan all of the activities and stuff, so I wasn't really that excited to run for a position in the presidency.

About a week or so ago, Josh LeMonte, 08-09 eSci club president, chatted with me online and said that I should definitely run for something because he thought I would be really good. I was totally flattered, but as I thought about it I decided that I would not be able to give the time that is needed to plan all of the activities and do a good job being the leader and stuff. Also, I'm not sure that I am super qualified anyways. I love environmental science, but I am somewhat behind in my classes for my major... So I decided I was not going to run for anything.

Anyways... I got a call today from Josh. He says that he, Dr. Terry, and Dr. Hopkins are going through the applicants for the presidency positions and they noticed I was not among the resumes. I told him of my hesitancy that is noted above. He said it was okay; that I would be really good and I could run for a position that requires less time and my experience doesn't matter, etc. So he convinced me to run and I emailed Dr. Terry and said that I wanted to run.

So at the elections I ran for secretary against some transfer from BYU-I and some weirdo kid that sang a song about spiders.


transfer student from BYU-I

So that was a let-down. I mean - I've been highly involved in the club for two years and I have been to fundraisers and I've been to activities and trips. But the public had spoken...

The next election was for recruitment officer. It's pretty self-explanatory. So Dr. Terry carried me over to the next one, even though I said I would like to withdraw. It was just me and the weird spider song kid (who I think may be a freshman. He seemed like it, anyway).


Spider song kid

So I guess I was a little bummed that I didn't win, but 90% of the people there had never been to any club activities, so they were, as Alexis said, "uninformed voters".

So it looks like I will have little to no responsibility next year in the eSci club. Which I am not heart-broken about.

It means more fun.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that they didn't realize how awesome you are. Their bad.
